Welcome to my Weekly Movie News blog post, I have some great news to get things started! According to The Hollywood Reporter, the X-Men are coming back for part 2 including director Matthew Vaughn and the entire cast including Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.
Featured Reviews:
Click the posters to read my latest reviews!

Featured Movie News:

EW.com has an exclusive video featuring a conversation with George Lucas where he talks about how 'painful' it was to make the original Star Wars...and some other stuff.

Marvel.com recently released five images from the upcoming Avengers movie and, most important of all, Scarlett Johansson is in one of them!

Local Movie News:

The city of Vancouver, B.C. has played host to many science fiction movies over the years and this article shows you some of the key buildings and places that have been featured in X-Men, Battlestar Galactica, and many movies and TV shows.

Current Box Office Top Ten:
1. The Grey - $19.7M
3. One for the Money - $11.5M
4. Red Tails - $10.4M
5. Man on a Ledge - $8M
6. Extremely Lound and Incredibly Close - $6.98M
7. Contraband - $6.7M
8. The Descendants - $6.41
9. Beauty and the Beast 3D - $5.31M
10. Haywire - $4M
(Click film titles with hyperlinks to read my reviews.)
Opening This Week:
Big MiracleOpening This Week:
The Innkeepers
The Woman in Black
Featured Trailer Debuts:
Two new trailers this week, both of which caught my attention for very different reasons. One is an action/spy movie and the other is a killing spree comedy and both feature lots of guns.
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