Monday, March 4, 2013

The Last Exorcism Part II - Movie Review

The Last Exorcism Part II picks up right where the first one left off although without the use of the found footage film-making technique that was utilized for the original. Director Ed Gass-Donnelly goes the more traditional route in an attempt to keep audiences jumping out of their seats and Ashley Bell returns as the demon-possessed young lady.

After escaping the evil clutches of the cult that nearly took her life in as a sacrifice to the demon Abalam, Nell (Bell) winds up in a women's recovery center so she can try to get back to a normal life. For a while, it seems to be working as she gets a job, is making new friends, and has altered her beliefs in hopes of leaving her haunted past behind.

Of course, evil demons from hell tend to not agree with normal lifestyles for their intended victims so the limb twisting, crazy visions, and blood dripping all slowly makes its way back in to Nells' life. For some reason, she doesn't share in Abalam's fondness for creepy stuff like that so she decides its time to rid herself of his nefarious ways once and for all.

So, that's the basic setup which is all pretty straightforward and about what you would expect from this movie. What was strange was how,  about halfway in, I was actually wishing they had made this into a found footage movie as that was a lot of what made the first one work as well as it did. Granted part 1 wasn't all that great either, but the concept of the scam artist as exorcist was a pretty cool idea.

This sequel is just so bland and devoid of anything interesting or original that it basically boils down to being a quick money grab that capitalizes off the name recognition and creepy poster images. Aside from getting to see Ashley Bell return to the character that put her on the map, I really can't think of any reason why you should watch this movie.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I really loved The Last Exorcism and was so excited for the sequel. But I got to say I left the theater feeling disappointed. I think this movie brushed off the great elements of its predecessor and left us with a simply average horror movie. And I don't know if the world needs another possession movie.

    If you get the chance, check out my full review on my blog. I review Horror Movies and could always use more feedback.
