Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Movie Review

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is directed by a man named Thor who has previously made movies about a wimpy kid and a hotel for dogs. Sounds legit, right? This sequel to the not so successful first installment of the Percy Jackson franchise features acting performances (sort of) by Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, and Leven Rambin. Okay, we also get Stanley Tucci and Nathan Fillion just so there's at least a couple people you may have heard of before.

After saving the world from imminent danger, Percy Jackson (Lerman) has gone back to being the nerdy outcast of the demigod training camp and is finding it hard to fit in among his equally powerful teenage half humans. Of course, this wouldn't be an epic adventure movie without another threat to all of mankind so a powerfully evil force quickly reveals itself sending all of the more good natured and well intended immortal orphans scurrying around looking for a way to save the day.

While a hand picked team of the demigod's finest warriors is sent out to hunt down the evil doer that is trying to obtain the legendary golden fleece, for evil purposes of course, Percy and his friends Annabeth (Daddario) and Grover (Jackson) set out on their own quest to reach the movie's exciting and death defying climax...and yes, there really is a guy named Grover in the movie. Oh, and Percy now has a cyclops half brother named Tyson that comes along for the ride.

The reason everyone is after the golden fleece thing is because the bad guys know it has the power to resurrect Kronos who is basically the ultimate bad guy when it comes to child eating, all powerful, and extremely evil gods and the good guys know it has the ability to save the tree that used to be a girl which now provides a force field around their campsite which also seems to be a training ground for those obstacle course TV shows (it will all make sense when/if you watch the movie).

Let me just say that, over the course of his career, Stanley Tucci has been in some really great movies. He is also in this movie.

Nathan Fillion is also in this movie although very briefly. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but the two or three minutes of screen time he has are by far the most entertaining things that happen during the entire 106 minute running time. He is truly an actor amongst kids who are doing nothing more than trying to play make believe.

Strangely, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters covers some of the same mythology as the Clash of the Titans movies that have come out over the last few years, but clearly in a completely different way. For what its worth, I shouldn't be too hard on this movie as its really meant for a younger audience and I'm sure there are a few kids out there that might enjoy it. I never did see the first movie in the series, but I figure it must have had some redeeming qualities to justify another one being made.

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