Deep Dark, written and directed by Michael Medaglia, is an official selection of the 2015 Portland Film Festival. The movie stars Sean McGrath, Monica Graves, Anne Sorce, and Denise Poirier as "The Hole".
The Story:
Hermann Haig (McGrath), a struggling artist, finds himself talking to walls and gaining inspiration from a mysterious thing that initially reveals itself through written messages, but soon begins to take on more and more of an actual persona. As the man and the thing in the wall develop a relationship, they begin to collaborate on projects that helps Hermann find the success he's been yearning for although there is of course, a price to be paid.
The Review:
At first, I was like yeah, this just isn't doing it for me but, after a while, I realized the story had really drawn me in to what is admittedly a very strange concept. The movie really isn't scary at all so I would classify it more as fantasy than horror although people might get creeped out by some of the graphic imagery that pops up here and there. From a creative standpoint, this is about as low budget as it gets and Michael Medaglia draws all he can out of every single penny and every ounce of energy that has been put into the film's creation. What I like is his ability to make this story believable, even to the point where a very, lets call it intimate, scene between Hermann and the hole in the wall doesn't come off as corny or as silly as it easily could have.
The Verdict:
Deep Dark is definitely not for everyone, but fans of dark fantasy and twisted horror films are sure to get a kick out of this really unique and interesting tale. The fine folks in charge of programming the Portland Film Festival were very wise in selecting this film for an audience that tends to prefer the offbeat and unexpected.
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