Wednesday, December 23, 2015

2015 Recap - Horror

This year, I had the good fortune of watching a whole bunch of different horror movies, a lot of them during the various film festivals I covered. There's a lot of good, a lot of decent, and a fair amount that were not quite as good, but definitely a great mix of styles and sub genres which made for a really fun year.

Click the posters to read reviews for each film.


Alléluia - "Fabrice Du Welz has created a very dark and twisted thriller."
Circle - "A tension filled drama that definitely keeps you on your toes."
Crimson Peak - "Twisted tale of love, greed, and power."


Cub - "A very well crafted horror movie that features lots of good scares."
Dead Body - "The ideas are big and the execution is spot on."
Deathgasm - "This movie gets just about everything right."


Deep Dark - "Fans of dark fantasy are sure to get a kick out of this."
Dude Bro Party Massacre - "Kick back, crack open a few beers, and enjoy the show."
The Green Inferno - "The entire cast just looked confused and awkward."


The Hallow
Krampus - "Perfectly fills a creepy, scary, funny niche."
The Lazarus Effect - "It's just sort of there."


Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension - "Just enough scares."
Sinister 2 - "Kind of creepy and weird."
They Look Like People - "Has some really great moments."


Unfriended - "After a while, the story just became redundant."
Valley of the Sasquatch - "An authentic northwest treat."
The Visit - "Definitely a step in the right direction."

2015 TwoOhSix Favorite Film - Horror

"Director David Robert Miller manages to fill his story with an underlying and inevitable sense of dread that the audience can feel just as much as the characters."

TwoOhSix Future Watch

Actress/Director: Jessica Cameron
"If you don't know who Jessica Cameron is, you soon will."

"Cameron puts the Red in Red Band with trailer for Mania"

I was fortunate enough to meet Jessica Cameron at Crypticon this year and, while I still have not had a chance to see either of the above films, she is already one of my favorite up and coming film makers and she is definitely someone you want to keep your eyes on. Click either of the posters to view trailers for the two films which have been each had very successful runs on the film festival circuit.

Thanks for reading and check out all of my 2015 Recaps!


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