Saturday, August 17, 2019

Koko-di Koko-da - 2019 NBFF Movie Review

Koko-di Koko-da (2019)

The Movie: Koko-di Koko-da

The Directors: Johannes Nyholm

The Cast:  Peter Belli, Leif Edlund, Ylva Gallon, Katarina Jakobson, Morad Baloo Khatchadorian, Brandy Litmanen

The Story: As a couple goes on a trip to find their way back to each other, a sideshow artist and his shady entourage emerge from the woods, terrorizing them, luring them deeper into a maelstrom of psychological terror and humiliating slapstick.

Peter Belli, Johannes Nyholm, and Brandy Litmanen in Koko-di Koko-da (2019)

The Review:
So, what the hell did I just watch? Seriously, this movie is so weird yet oddly captivating. There was a point where I almost turned it off, which I never do, but I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. Backing up a little bit, I almost watched this movie during SIFF but then didn't. I also almost watched this movie during Fantasia but then didn't. Then I almost didn't watch this movie during North Bend but then I finally did and I'm still not sure if I made the right choice during any of those three opportunities.

To say the movie is strange would be an extraordinary understatement. The basic plot of the story takes the repetitive day scenario of Groundhog Day and surrounds it with the most absurdly twisted and downright vicious path to relationship redemption you will ever see. Ultimately I'm happy I gave this movie a chance and I hope more people get a chance to see it and to appreciate the artistry and risk taking involved in making a movie like this.

Koko-di Koko-da is an official selection of the 2019 North Bend Film Festival.

To keep track of all my reviews, interviews and festival coverage please go to: TwoOhSix at NBFF 2019

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