Saturday, October 10, 2020

Bloody Hell - 2020 Nightstream Film Festival Movie Review

The Movie: Bloody Hell

The Director: Alister Grierson

The Cast: Ben O'Toole, Caroline Craig, Matthew Sunderland, Travis Jeffery, Jack Finsterer, Meg Fraser, Ashlee Lollback

The Story: A man with a mysterious past flees the country to escape his own personal hell - only to arrive somewhere much, much worse.

The Review:
The title for this movie is very appropriate as there are several moments when you might just shout out those two words because of the bloody hell you are seeing on screen. Director Alister Grierson has created a fast paced and in your face horror movie that is unrelenting in both attitude and body count. Yes, this is a bloody slasher, shoot 'em up, sadistic family type movie that does just about everything well and is capped off with a lead performance Ben O'Toole that has me putting him in a rising star category.

I don't this is a spoiler at all since it's a primary driving force of both the movie and O'Toole's character Rex that, after spending a significant amount of time in prison, he has come out with a sort of devil on the shoulder type inner voice in his head and the way that it's portrayed on screen is quite brilliant. The voice in the head Rex is very animated and is usually the one to come up with the plans and sees what's going on while conscious Rex is sort of bewildered by everything and depends on the voice when it's time to decide how to take action.

There's also a really cool bank robbery scene at the beginning of the movie which is how Rex ends up in prison and also how he becomes a hero of the people. This action packed scene is what sets up the rest of the events from the movie and was a really fun and funny way to establish the character as a legitimate action hero, the type that really leans into what that meant in 1980's popcorn cinema. The family that Rex has to deal with is like a rich, high society version of the Texas Chain Saw family, they are sadistic, evil, and they kill people for a very specific family reason.

The Verdict:
Bloody Hell goes all out combining action, horror, comedy, and dysfunctional family drama all into one bloody hell of a good time. Genre fans are going to love everything this movie has to offer.

To see more reviews, interviews, and festival coverage please go to: TwoOhSix at Nightstream 2020.

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