Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Man with the Iron Fists - Movie Review

The Man with the Iron Fists is the debut directorial effort of The Rza who is also a founding member and producer of iconic hip hop group The Wu Tang Clan. The group's musical style has always been heavily influenced by old school kung fu flicks and their eclectic soundtracks so this seems like a natural transition for the man who also composed the musical score for Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill movies.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Toy Story 3 Meets Star Wars!

Star Wars Episode VII now has a connection with two Oscar winning movies including Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine. The official Star Wars blog has announced that award winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay for the new Star Wars film.

This is exciting news as it adds an immediate level of quality to a production that will come with extremely high expectations.

What do you think about this announcement? Are you excited for more Star Wars movies? What type of stories would you like to see from Disney and Lucasfilm as they continue to expand the universe that George Lucas created back in the late 70's.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Skyfall - Movie Review

After too long of a wait (MGM bankruptcy issues), Bond is back and quite possibly better than ever! With Skyfall, Daniel Craig continues his successful run as 007 along with Judy Dench as MI6 leader "M" in a movie that turns the spy game inside out. Lots of new characters are introduced, both good and bad, and Sam Mendes has now taken over the directing duties for the longest running franchise in movie history.

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