Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - Movie Review

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a very popular British spy novel from the early 70's and was adapted in to a very popular television mini series. The lead character of George Smiley was played by the one and only Sir Alec Guiness and is considered the defining portrayal of the character. Now we have a Hollywood theatrical version of the story featuring Gary Oldman in the lead role.

Yelp Seattle: Review of the Day

Yelp is a great website for reading and posting reviews of businesses and also offers a great social network with fun events hosted by Yelp and its community members. Each and every day, one user-written review receives the honor of being the 'Review of the Day' and is featured on the front page of the website.

Today, I have the good fortune of receiving my fourth Review of the Day and below is a screen shot of this glorious moment. Thank you Yelp!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weekly Movie News 12-15-2011

This new teaser poster has Dark Knight Rises fans going crazy about what it may imply. Those that have followed Batman comics over the years know that Bane has been one of the caped crusaders most vicious enemies ever. Will the end of Christopher Nolan's amazing trilogy also be the end of Batman himself?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shame - Movie Review

Steve McQueen is quickly becoming one of the hottest directors anywhere with a style of film making that is redefining the cinematic experience. McQueen's debut feature, 'Hunger', shocked audiences with a brutally honest portrayal of imprisoned protesters during a hunger strike and Michael Fassbender's performance in the movie was universally praised. With 'Shame', the duo look to continue their success with an intimate look in to the life of a man dealing with personal demons as he takes in his troubled sister and her own set of issues.

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