Thursday, March 29, 2012

Seattle Cinerama Presents: The First Annual Science Fiction Film Festival! April 19th - May 2nd

Seattle area science fiction fans just received some of the greatest news ever as the Seattle Cinerama will be  hosting a two week festival of classic sci-fi movies including everything from War of the Worlds and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to Ghostbusters and The Matrix!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mirror Mirror - Movie Review

It seems like in most movies where there is a good versus evil story, the villain tends to steal the spotlight away from the hero and ends up being the more colorful of the two characters. This is definitely the case as Julia Roberts throws everything she has at creating a deliciously fun take on The Queen in this new version of the classic Snow White story.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games - Movie Review

"The World Will be Watching" is a very appropriate slogan for a movie that goes in to its release date with a huge built in fan base that has devoured a story originally presented over three best selling novels.

With high expectations firmly in place, the movie's success will depend on big box office numbers and that means recreating a story that will please both fans of the books and also those, like myself, that know virtually nothing about the story going in.

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